Our History

Just one year after St Peter's Parish was created in South Rockhampton, Bishop Hayes invited the Sisters of the Presentation Order to establish a school. St Peter's Primary School was officially blessed and opened on Sunday, January 28, 1934.
A house in Ward Street was both a Convent and School for the Presentation Sisters, with classes being held on the verandah. Later in 1934, the school found its place within the newly completed St Peter's Church and this continued there for seventeen years.
In 1950, a major building project commenced and on Sunday June 10, 1951 St Peter's School was officially blessed and opened by Bishop Tynan.
The growth in enrolments and in educational developments over the years brought with it further structural changes. In 1981 a staff room, three classrooms extending to Henry Street, a student amenities block and library were ready to use. Extensions to the library, the building of two new classrooms, a staff room were completed to begin the 1991 school year and internal changes were made to the original building to accommodate administration offices.
In 1994, the Convent was sold and on Saturday 10 September, was relocated to Agnes Street. The vacated land provided greater area for play and activity. Plans were also commenced to have the original school building renovated to enable a preschool to be established and incorporated.
The preschool opened its doors to 23 preschool children on 01 February, 1996 and later that year, on 09 August, Bishop Brian Heenan officially blessed the building.
The position of principal at St Peter's was held by the Presentation Sisters from 1934 until 1984. Since that time the school has been led by a Mercy Sister and lay principals. The staff also gradually changed to lay teachers, as both Presentation and Mercy Sisters accepted their call into service ministries in hospitals, aged care and other educational spheres. It is with thanks to the many Sisters and lay teachers, who have accepted the call to the Ministry of Teaching at St Peter's, that the spirit of love and care which was begun by the Presentation Sisters, continues to make our school a very special one.
Over the past ten years the school has undergone a major transformation with many building projects undertaken. This has allowed the school to grow to a two stream school and presently St Peter's has an enrolment of approximately 350 and caters for boys and girls from Prep to Year Six.

Our School Prayer
God, we are gathered here as a school community,
to thank you for our school, St. Peter’s.
Fill our hearts with Your love.
Thank you for our country Australia,
which is so full of Your wonderful gifts.
Help us to love and share like Your son, Jesus.
Bless all who enter our school.
May we be called to serve you.